We are excited to announce that registrations are NOW OPEN for the 2023/24 season of cricket!
Jump onto our website now to find out more information on the junior cricket programs on offer for the 2023/34 season: https://www.ldcc.com.au/juniorshome Lindfield Junior Cricket Club provides the following opportunities for junior cricketers:
Lindfield U7 Skills Clinic for boys & girls aged 5 - 6 yrs old (Kindergarten) - 12 week program. Lindfield Oval on Saturdays (click for more information)
U8 Cricket Blast Competition for boys & girls aged 6-8 (Year 1 or 2) - Friday afternoon Training at Lindfield Oval and Saturday morning Game Day at Hassall Park, St Ives. October - March (click for more information)
U9 - U17 'Whites' boys/mixed cricket, competition played against other clubs on the North Shore, games on Saturdays or Sundays (depending on the format & age group). October - March (click for more information)
Sixers Girls Cricket League, Girls only, 7 -17 yrs old, held Saturdays. October - March (click for more information)

Unsure about which form of cricket you should register for?
Click here to find out more: https://www.ldcc.com.au/cricketprograms2023-24
The age group a participant will play in is determined by the age of the child at 31st August in the year of registration. For instance, a child 12 years old at 31st August will play in U13 and a 9yr old at 31st August will play in U10.
Click here to find out more about age eligibility: https://www.ldcc.com.au/ageeligibility
We look forward to welcoming all new and returning players.
Don't forget to use your Active Kids Voucher during registration!
If you have any questions please email Larissa, our Junior registrar, at juniors@ldcc.com.au