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Lindfield Cricket

Join Us In Making a Difference!

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

We're raising funds for the much-needed renovation of the Lindfield Cricket Clubhouse.

Your support isn't just a chance to win incredible prizes; it's a direct investment in the future of our cherished cricket community.

Support Lindfield Cricket Club by buying a ticket (or two) in the Toyota Good for Cricket Raffle. Every dollar you contribute goes directly to Lindfield Cricket Club, and you'll also have the chance to win fantastic prizes, including three brand new Toyotas.

After years of volunteer work and expense, together with our Lindfield Rugby friends, we have just received Council’s ‘owner’s consent’ (effectively the DA). The project is likely to cost $1.7M. We are now working on grant funding. Our own contribution will be $200,000.

The proposed renovations for the existing clubhouse serve three key purposes:

  1. Enhancing Female Participation: We aim to upgrade the current changeroom facilities to accommodate the growing involvement of female participation.

  2. Accessibility and Safety: We're committed to providing ambulant and disabled access to the clubhouse and public toilets while ensuring compliance with modern building codes and safety standards.

  3. Improved Facilities for All: Recognizing that the clubhouse has seen limited upgrades since its original installation as an old scout hall atop a toilet block in the 1960s, we aspire to offer improved and upgraded facilities for the benefit of all users.


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